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Older people want to be able to relax and enjoy our senior years, living comfortably in our own homes for as long as possible. However, sometimes seniors can find that common issues which can affect older adults, such as impairments and mobility difficulties can make everyday living more challenging.

The good news is there are lots of ways to make living at home easier and more comfortable, with new products being developed all the time specifically for this reason. Here at Stiltz Home Elevators, we looked at some of the best products available to make home life as comfortable and carefree as possible for seniors.

Home Elevator

The residential elevator industry has benefitted massively in recent years from a huge development in technology meaning that now, more than ever before, it is both practical and affordable to have an elevator in the home. The new generation of elevator is both compact enough to fit into most homes, and stylish and elegant so that it adds a touch of luxury.

This is great news for seniors as the stairs can be both a difficulty and a hazard within the home. Installing an elevator makes it simple and easy to travel between the floors of the home and keeps the rooms on the second floor easily accessible.

Power Lift Chairs

We all enjoy a good sit down in a comfortable couch, whether to read a book, have coffee with friends or catch a movie. But for some seniors getting back up again can be a challenge. Luckily there are a huge range of companies specializing in power lift chairs – couches and armchairs as stylish and comfortable as any on the market with a hidden secret; at the push of a button, they rise up slowly allowing the occupant to stand easily.

In an array of designs and styles there are chairs to suit any décor and scheme, to fit perfectly within every home.

Swimming pool

Older generations are often encouraged to keep moving and maintain a daily fitness regime. Swimming is an ideal exercise as the water acts as a support as well as resistance, but sometimes getting out to a public pool can be difficult or time consuming. Until recently installing a pool at home would be a luxury not available to many, due to the large amount of space required to house it. However, with the development of ‘tide’ or ‘lane’ pools, having your own personal swimming pool in your yard or even basement is now a reality.

These pools have a small footprint and a powerful adjustable pump system which allows users to swim against the ‘tide’ building up strength and stamina. They can also be used for hydrotherapy and aquarobics and family fun too. By choosing the option to heat the water to your desired temperature, seniors can have a pool they can enjoy all year round from the privacy and comfort of their own home.

Adjustable beds

A good night’s sleep is vital to everyone – not just seniors – as sleep is when we heal, process memories, and get a boost to our immune system. With some of the aches and pains that come as we age, sometimes it is not so easy to get comfortable in bed which does not help us to drift off peacefully.

Motorized adjustable beds are a great solution to make bedtime as comfortable as it used to be. These beds use a system of motors and pistons to move the base of the bed at the touch of a button, helping to sit up in bed to read the morning papers, raise the legs to ease back pain, or rise up to enable getting in and out of bed comfortably. Once back in the standard position adjustable beds look like any other, meaning the home décor doesn’t need to be changed even if the levels of home comfort are dramatically different.